The courses here will Support You in becoming the best version of yourself

The Ultimate Confidence + Self-esteem course was made with you in mind. Loaded with insights, evidence-based techniques, professional + personal strategies I have used to level up my confidence.

The How to Heal from Trauma course was created with the intention of cultivating a thriving mindset so you can bounce back from past hurts more resilient + more powerful than ever!

Hi, I’m Annielle

I am a Mental Health Expert, Motivational Speaker and Life Coach with a Masters from the University of South Florida in Clinical Social Work. I am a former therapist and trauma survivor who not only has the professional experience but also personal experience of doing the work of healing. I am teaching these courses because I am purposed to help others heal from trauma, learn to truly love who they are + be the best version of themselves. These courses are my gifts to you and I hope this helps you be everything you've ever imagined!